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Our Line Dance and Card Party will be held on October 19th!!!! Please check the Highlights Page for details. We are hoping for a full house so stop in and TELL YOUR FRIENDS!!!!

Please check the Highlights page for information on a drawing class and a possible scrapbooking group

Monday October 21st staff from the York County Area Agency on Aging will be here for Medicare Open Enrollment consultations. This is the time to review your current plan and other available plans to be sure you have the best choice to meet your needs. YOU MUST HAVE AN APPOINTMENT AND THIS IS THE ONLY DAY THEY WILL BE AT THE DELTA SENIOR CENTER SO GET ON THE SCHEDULE NOW!!!!

A staff member from State Rep Wendy Finks office is here the first and third Friday of the month from 12 PM-2 PM  on a walk in basis and can help seniors with Property tax/Rent Rebates forms. For other issues that you may wish to contact her about her Red Lion District Office office phone is 717-244-9232

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