County Commissoner's recognize Kim Maglaughlin for 30 years of Service
May 4, 2016

Director, Kim Maglaughlin
I have been the Director of the Delta Area Community Senior Center for over 35 years. During this time, I’ve had the privilege of working with many truly wonderful people. Socializing with men and women who have lived in the area for many years, enriches the lives of all who know them. Even though I was born and raised in Delta, I’ve learned much more from the lives of the members that have come and gone in this center. We look forward to learning from your stories as well.
Also, the only funding Delta Senior Center receives from York County Area Agency on Aging is $3.75 per person eating lunch in the Delta Senior Center. We eat lunch everyday at noon. Please try to join us for lunch.We need to fund raise at least $60,000.00 a year to keep the senior center in operation. If you would like to make a donation, make your check payable to Delta Senior Center. Money will be used for programs and operation of the center. Thank You.
We always want you to feel welcome at the Delta Senior Center. We are open to comments and suggestions for making it your senior center.
Assistant Director Denise Burkins
Hi, I have worked at the Delta Senior Center for over 10 years. I enjoy the social aspect of my job very much and love talking with our members each day! My family has lived in this community for 28 years. My husband and I raised our two sons here and now have two grandchildren. I encourage seniors 60 years and over to give us a try. We offer a huge variety of activities in which you can participate. Socialization and connections with your community and friends will keep you young and active!

Below is the "Family Tree" with many of our more active members. We would love to have even more seniors join our group, become actively involved, and add more branches to our "Family Tree"!